SDA Church in Second Life
Select from the options on the left sidebar for more information about scheduled events and services to be held. If you have a Second Life® account, stop by and visit with us! Church Location SLURL™ link.
For those who are not already in Second Life® world, please see the virtual SDA Church in Gospel World.
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Why have a virtual church? There are several good reasons we have discovered for this project:
- New contact outreach - People will come who would not go to a real world church. This place offers a layer of anonymity / protection while providing fellowship with others.
- Home bound access - Anyone who is unable to get out of home to attend a church do not have very many options. Several SDA Churches have live stream services, but that tends to be one direction only. Here it is like going to a church, and can meet with other people, participate in Bible study groups, prayer with and support for each other.
- Personal protection - Those who are in countries where being a Christian has a death penalty, provides a connection with others and ability to learn more while keeping personal information private.
While most people to attend speak English, it is not limited to that language. We need others who are willing to participate and who speak other languages and support people who wish to attend but do not speak English. Most needed languages: Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, German.
Articles Featuring This Project:
5/5/2019 - Mission 360 The Cyber Church by Chelsy Tyler.
12/2/2016 - Australian RECORD Cyber-Church: Online evangelism for the digital age (pg. 10) by Maritza Brunt.
Church Project Mission Statement
- To be a place of Biblical truth, where compassion reigns.
- To stand up and be counted at the cost of popularity.
- To be a light in a dark place.
- To greet, invite encourage and guide people to a real relationship with a living Christ.
- To conduct public evangelism and meet people socially where they are in SL, build a real relationship with them, and guide them into contact with the fellowship of their local church.
- To provide a means for less able bodied people to experience a real church family in a virtual world.
- To provide a platform for Theology students to gain unique ministry experience.
- To conduct ourselves as much as possible in accordance with the standards, theology and the rules for church governance and evangelism as outlined in the 28 Fundamentals of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, The Seventh-day Adventist Church Handbook and the Seventh-day Adventist Minister's Manual while still adapting and experimenting with ministry that is possible and particular to this unique virtual environment.
Church Service Times:
- Australian Service: Friday 12:00 noon SLT (Saturday morning at 7:00am NSW Time Aus)
- USA Service: Saturday 4:00pm SLT
- Granite Bay Live Stream Saturday 9:00am - 1:30pm SLT
* SLT or Second Life Time is also Pacific Time USA.
Church Project Donation Funds Balance: $53949L
This fund in Linden dollars is collected in world by a donation box at the church entry. It will be used for the church grounds and support of the church congregations in Second Life for a few things we can purchase which we could not make.
Church Service Attendance
USA based SDA pastors needed! The USA time zone based church group desires to have several USA based pastors to preach for us and to help lead out in the evangelism work. Even if you are not in the USA, we need pastors for opening other time zone based church groups and help with the existing churches. Time requirement is minimal.
Pastors who speak Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, German, French are the most common languages of people who come to this unique international church.
The attendance List shows only the last 30 weeks to keep the display size shorter.